Miniature pot by Jon Almeda. Purchased the same weekend I went to the Sewing & Stitchery Expo the year I was pregnant with now toddler (2006). My mom and I went to a miniature show in the Seattle area (my mom is into miniatures, I grew up exposed to the fabulous world of miniatures). Jon Almeda was there...his pottery is just mind blowing amazing!! At the time I had a budget that allowed me to appreciate artists and support them with a purchase. Below is a pic showing how big it really is (about 1-1/2 inches tall) nestled among my favorite second hand store pottery finds. I LOVE this green, it's now hard to find. I have about four other pieces not shown in the pic, all different shapes but same green
Monday, March 29, 2010
When I clean, I find things...
Miniature pot by Jon Almeda. Purchased the same weekend I went to the Sewing & Stitchery Expo the year I was pregnant with now toddler (2006). My mom and I went to a miniature show in the Seattle area (my mom is into miniatures, I grew up exposed to the fabulous world of miniatures). Jon Almeda was there...his pottery is just mind blowing amazing!! At the time I had a budget that allowed me to appreciate artists and support them with a purchase. Below is a pic showing how big it really is (about 1-1/2 inches tall) nestled among my favorite second hand store pottery finds. I LOVE this green, it's now hard to find. I have about four other pieces not shown in the pic, all different shapes but same green
Saturday, March 27, 2010
A week of good stuff in the mail...
And the weather outside is NO-LONGER frightful...but has become so delightful!! The temps been in the high 50's and 60' nice and warm. We've been spending a few days out in the yard cleaning and searching for garnets. Garnets!! you say?? Well, check back and we'll post about it in due time. :) What a wonderful week!!
Friday, March 26, 2010
I Spy Friday...
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Current projects...
Monday, March 22, 2010
Pillowcase Crochet Along
I finally got around to uploading my yarn and fabric choice for my On The Edge pillowcase crochet along put on by Cassie over at You Go Girl. Cassie did an AWESOME four week tutorial on sewing a pillowcase and adding a crocheted edge. Week one starts here and week four, the final installment, was posted today here. She even provided a cute little button for people to add to their blog...and it's orange!! I love orange!! I had so much fun learning how to make her "posh" pillowcase (as she calls it) and now the crochet edge. Since it was just posted today, I'm hoping to have it done by the end of the week. YAY! Then I can post final pics. Oh, and I ended up going with the pinker fabric on the left, it's not that pink, and it has a green it in that matches the yarn perfect. Since everything was from my stash, I can count this project as a 100% Destash Along project. Another big YAY!! Thank you Cassie for sharing such a GREAT tutorial!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Ridding of the Sicklies
We're all now on the mend and I hope to be adding some new photos of what we've been up to soon. Several destashing projects, several in-progress projects and a new ornament. Yay! In the mean time, here's a pic from my parents back deck I took back in February. You can see Mt. Adams peaking over that hillside in the distance. One of my favorite things about my parents house is the view they have of the valley facing west. On a clear day you can see both Mt. Ranier and Mt. Adams AND the Yakima valley all the way to Yakima (maybe, never really checked the accuracy). Check back soon!
Friday, March 5, 2010
A Fairy Went A Marketing
I joined A Fairy Went a Marketing swap a month or so ago. It was all due by March 1st. Each person was to create a pixie pouch using MissyFae's tutorial and create ten of the same items that a fairy would like/use/want. Here's one side of my pixie pouch, the other side has two more suede patches with beads and buttons too. All items were from my stash. It's a really cute little bag...I may make more for gifts or something, they are a perfect size for many, many things. I also made ten tiny blue silk market bags that a fairy needs to keep her fairy "cash" in. Each bag included an energy crystal, four Idaho star garnets (yes, real ones actually from Idaho that I dug out of the ground) and a copper key on an ID bracelet to the Rainbow Bank (cuz fairy's keep their gold at the end of the rainbow). As soon as I recieve my pouch that someone else made, with ten different items in it made by ten different people, I'll share with you all. :)
On a technical side note...I CANNOT for the life of me figure out how to get more than one pic from my Flickr page to a blog post. Is this possible?? Is there a way? I linked the pics but I'd rather bring them over to this blog. Anyone have any suggestions?
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Craft Room

However I have it, I don't think I could ever actually show you my craft table in my craft room after reading a blog (that I once again happened upon) that toured a relatives craft space that was SO AMAZING! I want my craft space to look like this and be as organized and this space is. You HAVE to go over and look at all the beautiful pictures she took of this fun, fun space!! I have all the same stuff, just not as much of it. It has some really great ideas on how to store stash items...I just don't have the space. So, my dear reader...until I have ample enough room and/or organization (whichever comes first), the look of my craft room will remain a mystery (and super tiny!).
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Toddler times

The past couple of nights we've been reading a Richard Scarry book to our toddler that we got from the library (not the one in the pic, that one is the cover of the one I got when I was four back in 1981!!) The library book has about 15 different easy to read stories in it. Last night after my husband read him one or two, he decided it was his turn to read to daddy. So CUTE!! He flips through the story explaining what's going on in the pictures. He starts out with "One day.." and as he's turning the pages he'll say "And then..." Good times!