Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wednesday, Wednesday

It's been a week or so since last posting...I've done absolutely no crafting and took only a handful of pictures on our vacation. Why?? I don't know, I was busy I guess. We even forgot to take a group photo in front of those great big wolfs. So disappointing. I have been out in our yard cleaning, weeding,'s coming together, we've made a lot of progress. We went to a bare root plant sale and got a few new things. They're all twigs right now with tiny blooms of green, but this is what they may look like someday...

French Lace Weigela, has pinkish blooms and varegated leaves, it only took about two years for our first one to fill out. I had to get a second, I like the varegated leaves.
Thundercloud Plum, right now ours our six foot tall twigs with a few leaves sprouting. Not sure how long it will take to look this good.

Red Leaf Rose, this was our free plant with purchase, they're six inches tall and about two or three twigs...they're really cute right now actually. I just don't tknow if this is the color the bloom will be.

Japanese Snowbell. Again, not sure on how long it will take to fill out and look this beautiful, ours our a four foot twig, maybe a few years. We also got a few Bristlecone Pines, they're 8 inches tall, Japanese Wisteria and a few others that I can't remember right now.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Weekend Getaway

Two more days and the whole family, including grandparents, sibling and his spouse and all three (or should I say 3-1/2) of us will be here...
And everyone but me and the toddler will get to enjoy this tornado whirly fun slide...

That's okay, we'll play in the wave pool, get dumped by buckets of water and listen to story time. And I just might get a pedicure and a maternity massage at the spa. oooOOOooohhh!!! Can't wait!

There are twelve locations (two in Wisconsin, hint, hint, Jamison's), if you want to enjoy this type of family getaway, here's a link to our family fun weekend, so you and your family can enjoy going there too.

Have a great weekend EVERYONE!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Grosgrain: Loose Teeth Vintage Inspired Sundress with Petticoat GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!! Custom Sized!

Grosgrain: Loose Teeth Vintage Inspired Sundress with Petticoat GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!! This dress is SO CUTE!! I would love to be able to wear it, obviously not until after August when I am no longer growing a baby. :) I may have to check out this Etsy seller and add another to my favorites!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

A day late, but I tend not to get on the computer whenever I'm at home because I spend my work day on the computer. We started our day by sleeping in, which was about 8:30am....yeah, no longer are the days when we sleep in until 11 or noon. Made waffles, I got to add my cinnamon, raisins and chopped apple to the batter. Mmmmm!!! Then we went for a three mile hike up north near the Little Spokane to seek a geocache. Our 2-1/2 yr. old did AWESOME! He walked most of the way, only really wanted to be carried up hill and the last quarter mile back. I was surprised at how well he did. I was also surprised at how well I did, being around six months pregnant, the one up hill part was a bit steep, it burned my legs more than my lungs, but I made it. We saw 6 wild turkeys, a white tail deer, squirrels galore, a couple red ant hills, big black beetles, and a newer deer carcass of mostly bones but had been dragged by something (it still smelled bad!), we also heard peacocks, we were near a farm at one point and they must have owned some. About a mile into our drive home, little one was zonked out. The rest of the day was pretty leisurely and lazy on my part, I didn't even get any crafting in, that's how lazy I felt. My hubby worked on our yard, he started landscaping the front. On top of it all it was sunny all day and around 70...SO NICE!! Overall it was a very lovely day, I wish I could have more like it....with absolutely no cleaning done by me. THAT was nice.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Tonight was a help-the-hubby night...a simple task of replacing the kitchen faucet turned into a five hourish adventure. I don't think I want to even go into the details, they are too exhausting. But I will say how nice it is to have running water, you know, for the little things in life we take for granted like flushing the toilet, washing hands, getting a quick drink, brushing teeth...ALL GONE!! For five-ish hours....we obviously survived but it was not a fun time.
On a lighter note, here's my latest creation. I made if for someone only to second guess myself with the piece to the personality, so I'm not gifting it after all. I'll create something totally new that's lighter, airy-er and more delicate. I'm having a difficult time with this task...

This pretty little thing was created with a black and white lampworked focal I purchased in Wenatchee on my craft retreat with my mom, aunt and grandma. It features silver sead beads, black Swarofski teardrops, white pearls, and black and silver glass faceted crystals, plus a few other miscellaneous beads. I used beading wire which makes it a little stiff. I'm considering putting it up on Etsy, our currently empty shop. But I've had another idea for our Etsy shop, we shall see...

I really need to learn my camera settings, these pictures are not very good. Too much white, glare, and blurry. Someday...add it to my list of ideas to someday complete. :)